If you’ve just recently rescued a dog or have a dog that you would like to have polite manners around your home and in public, you’re in the right place!
You are about to embark on a journey with your dog that will build reliability and basic manners along with strengthening your bond.
The Solid Foundations program will give you the tools and support you need to help teach your dog to make the right choices and be that wonderful family member you always envisioned. Let’s break down how your program works!
The program is 6-months from the time of your start date. Below is an outline of the program components. You’ll find the enrollment levels (and components available in each level) listed after the Program Components section.
You have access to online coaching throughout the program. Online modules are provided for you to work through at your own pace. You’re expected to watch the lessons and participate in the homework when included in the lesson.
These sessions are 30-minutes in length and held in my fenced-in yard in groups of up to 4 dogs. Live sessions are the 3rd Saturday of every month. These sessions are formatted to help build skills and confidence around other dogs and real life distractions. We break down the mechanics you are learning and give you the skills needed to ensure you and your dog are making progress.
This group is our private group ONLY for those enrolled in the program that serves as our “online classroom” and community support. This is where you will post your homework from the learning modules, ask questions you may have around anything related to your dog and the behaviors they are learning, and share successes with your classmates! I will post “lives” on various topics here, provide feedback on everyone’s training videos, answer questions, and share in everyone’s successes. This group adds such a huge level of support to you and everyone in the program – the more you participate, the more you get out of the program!
This program includes optional private coaching sessions that will be pre-scheduled upon registration for the program. These will be held either via Zoom with a link provided to you or face-to-face. You will use the same link for all of our Zoom sessions. Zoom sessions will be recorded and provided to you. Each session is approximately 1 hour and is where we dig into the nitty gritty of what your unique journey looks like with your dog, what actionable steps you need to take next and how to take all the information you’re learning and prioritize it for your goals and objectives with your dog. Private coaching sessions are included in the Elite level or can be added at an additional fee in Fundamental and Intermediate levels if there are session openings available.
You can opt into different levels of this program. Each level includes specific program components that correlates with the amount of support you would like to have moving through the program. Below is a breakdown of each level: